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3 Things You Should Do After A Breakup

Writer's picture: Mystic SpiritsMystic Spirits

A guide explaining 3 things you should do after a breakup.

things you should do after a breakup

We have all had that nasty breakup at one time or another! Trust me I know I sure have. Seems it is always a surprise and comes out of nowhere and all of a sudden you are left single and heartbroken. I have learned through plenty of breakups, some mutual and some not that there are three things that we all need to do after a breakup.

So let's get started and get you on your way to mending your broken heart.

Tip #1 - Take some time to heal

Many of us break up and then just jump into the next relationship to try and forget about the person that broke our hearts. I feel you should do the exact opposite. You need to take some time to heal and mend your broken heart and take the time to get to know yourself again. If you need to go on a date, date yourself. Take yourself out to a nice dinner and movie, or maybe even a manicure or a pedicure. Whatever makes you feel good.

So often we lose ourselves in a relationship because we are busy trying to make someone else happy. This can happen without us even knowing it. So if you make it your mission to get to know yourself again you will not regret it. It will also make you a better person for the next relationship if you choose.

Tip #2 - Talk to a professional

Sometimes it is a good idea to talk to a professional. A therapist or a life coach can help you navigate some issues you may be going through after a breakup. They can help you if you have any issues with depression or anxiety etc.

Talking about the breakup can help heal and move you forward in life. Whether it is in the new phase of dating or just finding ways to cope with being single. Sometimes if we are in long-term relationships and they abruptly come to an end it can be very traumatizing and hard to deal with alone. Reaching out is not a sign of weakness it in fact in my opinion is a courageous thing to do.

"You need your own love to save your heart." – Rithvik Singh

Tip #3 - Know you are enough

Sometimes if we are not the ones that have initiated the break up we get stuck and wonder what did I do, how could I have done things better or differently. We get stuck and start feeling that we are not enough. Know that you are enough. You are a great person and your partner may have issues and the breakup may be the best for both of you. I know at the moment this is a hard way to feel but trust me in the end you will be better off. Self-love will go a long way in these tender moments. Treat yourself. Love yourself no matter what!

So just know you are not alone. There are many people to reach out to talk to that can help you with any issues such as depression, anxiety, etc.

Breakups are hard but they can also be refreshing!

They can be a new lease on life where you can get to know yourself! You can do some inner work to figure out just what you want out of life. You can reach out and meet new people and start a shift in your life that will have fresh new energy. You can do things you haven't done because you had a relationship holding you back. You can join a yoga class and learn how to breathe better and nurture your inner Zen.

Good things can come from a breakup if you don't let it put you down. If you need help with things you can always reach out to one of our trusted advisors as well, many of them specialize in relationships and can help you heal and move on.

If you have recently gone through a breakup I would love to hear some of your tips to share with others that worked for you in the comments below this post. Also if you know anyone that needs to hear this please feel free to share.

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