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4 Ways to Spot a Fake Psychic

Have you been skeptical in the past or even in the present about psychics? I hope you said yes! In my opinion, everyone should be on guard and on the lookout for certain things when looking to reach out to a psychic advisor for a reading.

Sadly, there are people out there that will take your money and take advantage of you in the psychic world. On the other hand, many genuine and honest psychic advisors are there to help you with any questions you have.

I have created some pointers for you to take into consideration when deciding to talk to a psychic. Let’s dive into them!

1. Mention of Spells & Spell Removal

If a psychic advisor says that they can put a spell on your ex to bring them back, run the other way. The same goes for when they say you have negative energy, and I can create a spell to remove it. Or spells for luck or money.

I am not saying spells work or don’t work but I do believe that most psychics use this to take your money and they do nothing in return. When you come back saying it didn’t work, they ask for more money and then say it will work this time I promise.

We all have what is called free will. This means that we cannot and should not do things to change the energy of another person. This is dark energy and if you are a believer in karma, you will know that karma is always waiting right around the corner, good or bad.

2. No Reviews

When looking to hire a psychic take the time to look at their reviews or testimonials. A genuine psychic advisor will have reviews and references that you can follow up on.

Most professional advisors will have references available upon request or added to their website or social media pages.

3. No Profile Picture or Fake Picture

When I see a listing for an advisor, and they are using a crystal ball or no picture at all I tend to keep scrolling. I feel that an advisor that is honest and transparent is proud to use their picture or business brand to promote themselves.

I do understand that some advisors worry about privacy, but it seems shady to me. If they are not comfortable using their picture, they can use their logo or business name.

4. 100% Accuracy

If you see or hear an advisor, say they are 100% accurate, runaway, and fast! There is zero chance of any human being 100% accurate!

Again, free will comes into play. Things change and people make choices that can affect the outcome.

Also as an advisor myself, many things I see, hear, or feel is hard to put into words. So when doing a reading I can feel a certain way that will not make sense to the person getting the reading. Then down the line, it will come up in their lives and it will all make sense. This is especially true in mediumship readings when communicating with loved ones that have passed.

So, in conclusion, take the time to check the advisor out. Ask for references and reviews. Call the references and make sure they are legit. An honest advisor will go the distance to build trust with you from the start so they can give you the best reading they can.

I started Psychic Text Readers because I wanted to put together a team of honest advisors that want to help people. We are not focused on quantity but on the quality of our advisors. We aim to help people heal and move forward in life.

If you're looking for a psychic reading please check out our website

I would also love your comments on other things you have noticed fake psychics doing to scam people! Let’s work together to call out these charlatans!

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