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Do You Believe In Yourself?

If you believe that your not good enough or worthy you never will be.....

How can you be good enough if you don’t believe in yourself?

Who made you believe that you aren’t good enough or worthy?

Was it you? Or was it someone else?

Was it in words or with actions?

Deep I know, but these are thoughts that constantly go through my mind. Questions I am continually searching for answers to. Learning things about myself as I do.

I have always started things with big dreams and goals and then just near the end I would begin to put it off and end up just shoving it off to the side. I blamed it on kids, work, etc. Doubt would

creep in and I would let the words/opinions of others and lack of support make me second guess why I even bothered to begin with.

Interior Design- Completed just never did anything with it.

Real Estate Appraisals- completed first half

Real Estate Agent - Everything but final exam

BookKeeping- Completed just never did anything with it.

I was constantly accused of being flighty and having a lack of work ethic and when I would tell people my big ideas they would say oh yea in a tone that said to me, here we go again.

I have never felt supported in my ideas even as a child so no wonder I don’t believe in myself when no one else seemed to.

The problem is when you think you are second class eventually that’s how you present yourself. Half assed. Flighty. Etc. I don’t blame my childhood for anything as mom was doing the best she could with how the situation was. I am a mom I know it’s not easy to be a mom. No mom is perfect this job is way to hard to have all the answers.

If I am aware of where this belief comes from I can be proactive in seeing what triggers me making me feel unworthy. Then I can stop it in it’s tracks and grow! I can also use it to my advantage by making sure that I am that much more present in my kids lives to make sure that they know they are supported and heard even if I have to hear the same Minecraft story 10 times a day.

I can also share my perspective through my podcast and social media accounts to help others that may be struggling.

After all that’s really all us humans want is to be heard and supported along with some food and water ❤️

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